Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tech Cheat Sheets Available

Everyone needs a cheat sheet from time to time. I've been assembling some cheat sheets for technology technology tools we use. They are a mixture of things I've created or found. All of these tools are housed in the staff technology knowledge base.

In addition, the tech page also has copies of posts from this blog, Moodle help, and many other items relating to technology use in the district. So, it is a resource you definitely should be aware of.

Knowledge Base 

The knowledge base is located on the staff intranet under the Technology link. The knowledge base has links, cheat sheets and videos for training and help. Here are some recent additions...

I Don't Have Time to Check the Knowledge Base

No problem. Click the Subscribe to Page Changes button the first time you visit. From then on, each time a link or cheat sheet is added, you'll receive a notification email in your Gmail inbox.

Check it out!

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