Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Don't Forget to Check the Tech Page

Welcome to a new school year with its initial wave of tech issues. I want to make you aware of two features on the tech intranet page that will be of help. So before sending out that support ticket, check:

Known Issues - These are large scale issues that we're already working on or others have already sent in tickets for. If the item is in Known Issues, that means:

1. We're already working on it, it doesn't require a ticket, and the solution will be posted when found. 
2. We've got a call into the vendor and are waiting on them to fix it or respond. 
3. We've fixed it and you can find the solution without having to send in a ticket. 

Knowledge Base - When we have something that people ask about frequently, we post a solution or training in our Knowledge Base. I just posted an article Josh wrote about printing issues in there this morning. This would be a good place to start before sending in the ticket. We add more articles or videos in as time goes on (this is all new with the new intranet), so check back occasionally. 

Both can be found by clicking the link below:

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